Presentation & Personal Impact
DIRECTOR: Eamonn Murphy
PRODUCER: Quinten Ahern & Jonathan Farrelly
COMPANY: Army Of Id & Burning House Productions
WRITER: Emmet Kelly & Eamonn Murphy
Location: Moynalty County Meath
SHOOTING DATES: March 25th & 26th and available for ADR early April (TBC)
DATE: Saturday 27th of February
VENUE: Dublin City Centre (TBC)
Please email us your CV, Head shot and Show Reel to apply for an audition.
Email us at: contactburninghouse@gmail.com
Lost Memories
“Lost Memories” is a drama that deals with family inter-relationships and how the love/loss chasm can affect people’s actions and eventual outcomes in different ways. Seán (Late 20’s)- the black sheep of the family, races against the clock to his mother’s deathbed as her health rapidly declines. Seán becomes an easy target for his older sister Brenda who viciously vents all of her pain and frustration brought on by their mother’s looming death.
BRENDA – Accent: Regional Irish. Age – Early 30's. Dark hair. Supporting Role.
Brenda is Seáns older sister. She sometimes involves herself in other peoples business. She is controlling and over worked. Deep down she is a lovely person but she can't currently deal with her mothers illness and she lashes out at Seán and other members of the family. Brenda went to college and became a nurse. She never left the locality and she is bitter about this.
DAD - Accent: Regional Irish. Age 60's. Deep voice. Supporting Role.
Dad is a very calm, self controlled man. He is very much removed from Brenda and Seán's arguments. He is only focused on his dying wife and spending time with her.
JANE - Accent: European. Age Late 20's. Soft spoken. Supporting Role.
Jane is Seán's girlfriend. She is loving and considerate. She is currently away with work.
To apply for any of the above roles please email us your CV, head shot and show reel to contactburninghouse@gmail.com